St Petersburg üniversitesi 1974’ te kurulmuştur. Üniversite Rusya’nın Sankt Petersburg şehrinde kurulmuş dünyanın en eski üniversitelerinden bir tanesidir.
Sankt Petersburg şehri 2018’ de World Travel Awards tarafından Europe’s Leading City Destination ödülüne layık görülmüştür. Şehir Rusya’nın kültürel başkentidir. Sanatsal ve modern yapısıyla günümüzün gözde şehirlerinden biridir. Ayrıca şehir 90 ‘ dan fazla yüksek öğretim kurumuna, 350 araştırma kurumuna ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Sankt Petersburg bunların yanı sıra bir makine, araba, biyokimya vb. endüstrisi şehridir. şehir de bir çok ünlü marka da bulunmaktadır (Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, GM) .
Sankt Petersburg ulaşım ağı oldukça geniştir. 5 ana metro hattı bulunmaktadır. Otobüs, tramvay ve trolleybus oldukça yaygın kullanılmaktadır.
St Petersburg üniversitesi bir çok kampüse sahiptir. Bu kampüs binalarının yapısında 18. Yy ve günümüz mimarisinin birleşimi oldukça dikkat çekici bir güzelliktedir. Üniversite M. Gorky Scientific Library adında büyük bir araştırma kütüphanesine sahiptir. Okulun içinde oturma yerleri, kafeler ve 30’u aşkın kantin bulunmaktadır. SPBU Research Park ismin de araştırma alanına sahiptir. Burada bir çok öğrenci kendi projesini geliştirmektedir. Ayrıca kaynaklardan yararlanmaktadır.
St Petersburg University günümüzde ki tanındık bilim insanları ve iş insanları yetiştirmiştir. Bunlardan bazıları; Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev , Grigory Perelman , Mikhail Piotrovsky , Anatoly Karpov , Tatyana Kazankina , Boris Strugatsky , Stanislav Smirnov , Dmitry Likhachev, Igor Stravinsky , Alexander Blok , Vladimir Vernadsky , Alexander Benois , Sergei Diaghilev , Ivan Turgenev , Dmitry Mendeleev’ dir.
St Petersbug üniversitesi özgün öğretimi hedeflemektedir. Seçmeli ve zorunlu dersleri size özel şekilde bir araya getirerek en iyi verimi almanızı sağlamaktadır. Üniversitede geleceğe yönelik sınırsız programlar bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca ilham almanız için dersleriniz ve ya konularla alakalı yıl içerisinde dünyanın dört bir yanından ünlü bilim adamları, iş adamları ve araştırmacılar getirmektedirler.
St Petersburg’un sunduğu imkanlardan birisi ise, SPBU start-up projesidir. Bu proje kapsamında sizden istenen bir proje üretmenizdir, projenizin getirisi olarak ise hibe verilmektedir. Bir proje yapmasanız bile öğrencilerin bir çoğu hibe alabilmektedir.
St Petersburg üniversitesi uluslararası öğrencilerine oldukça önem vermektedir. Yabancı öğrencilere yönelik birçok arkadaşlık ve tanışma kulüpleri bulunmaktadır. Kulüplerin amacı farklı ülkeden gelen öğrencilerin diğer kültürleri görmesi, okula adaptasyon sürecini kısaltmak ve onlara her konuda yardımcı olabilmektir.
St Petersburg University kulüplerin dışında spor aktivitelerinin ön planda olduğu okullardan birisidir. Üniversitede 5.000’den fazla spor yapan öğrenci bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan 400’ ü SPBU 15 farklı spor takımındalardır. 15 öğrenci ise Russian National teams oyuncularındandır.
Sadece okuduğunuz dönem değil mezun olduğunuz andan itibaren de SPBU yanınızdadır. 15 ülkede mezun merkezleriyle sizlere yardımcı olmaktadır. Okulun mezunları rekabetçi kariyer hayatında her zaman daha öndedir.
St Petersburg uluslararası öğrencilere sunduğu daireleri vardır.
St Petersburg Bachelor ve Master programları sunmaktadır.
Applied Informatics in Arts and Humanities
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Applied Mathematics, Fundamental Informatics and Programming
Applied Physics and Mathematics
Electromagnetic and Acoustic Processes
Engineering-oriented Physics
Mathematics, Algorithms and Data Analysis
Mathematics and Computer Science
Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling
Modern Programming
Programming and Information Technology
Software and Administration of Information Systems
Systems Analysis and Applied Computer Technologies
Software Engineering
Natural Sciences
Cartography and Geoinformatics
Chemistry, Physics and Material Mechanics
Ecology and Nature Management
Petroleum Engineering
Real Property Cadastre: Assessment and Information Support
Soil Science
Economics and Management
Business Informatics
Economic and Mathematical Methods
Economics (with advanced study of the Economy of China and the Chinese language)
International Management (with study of Modern European and Oriental Languages)
Personnel Management
Public Administration
Social Sciences
Advertising and Public Relations
Assyriology (Languages, History, and Culture of the Ancient Near East)
History of Arab Countries (Arabic and Hebrew/ Turkish/ Persian)
History of Central Asia (Persian, Turkish, and Tajik/ Uzbek)
History of Korea (Korean and Chinese)
History of Iran and Afghanistan (Persian, Afghan, and Arabic)
International Journalism
International Relations
Islamic Studies
Laws (with Advanced Study of the Chinese Language and the Law of the PRC)
Laws (with advanced study of Japanese language and the law of Japan)
Organisation of Tourist Activities (with Advanced Study of the Chinese Language)
Political Science
Russian Studies
Social Work
Sociological Research in Digital Society
Museology and Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites
Applied Ethics
Applied, Computer and Computational Linguistics (English)
Chinese Philology
Classical Philology (Old Greek and Latin; Ancient Literature)
Cross-Linguistic Communication and Translation: English
Cross-Linguistic Communication and Translation: German
Cross-Linguistic Communication and Translation: French
English Language and Literature
Foreign Languages (Bulgarian, English)
Foreign Literatures, English
General and Applied Phonetics
Indo-Aryan Philology (Hindi and Sanskrit)
Japanese Philology (Japanese and Chinese)
Jewish Culture
Khmer and Thai Philology
Languages and Culture of East Africa (Ethiopian Studies)
Modern Greek, Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology
Mongolian and Tibetan Philology (Mongolian, Tibetan, and Chinese)
Ottoman Studies (Languages, History and Culture of the Ottoman Turkey)
Religious Studies
Russian as a Foreign Language
Russian Philology
Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics
Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (German)
Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication (English)
Art and Culture
Academic Singing
Applied Art
Environmental Design
Graphic Design
History of Arts
Instrumental Performance: Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Restoration of Fine and Applied Art Objects
The Instrumental Performance Practice: Violin
Physical Training
Physical Training and Sport
Applied Informatics
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science in Problems of Medical Diagnosis
Applied Physics and Mathematics
Business Information Analysis
Сontrol Processes of MEGA-Science Facilities
Database Technologies
Digital Economy
Digital Technologies and Systems
Distributed Computational Technologies
Engineering-oriented Applied Mathematics
Mathematical and Information Technologies
Mathematical and Information Support of Economic Activity
Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling
Methods of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science in Control Problems
Nuclear Physics and Technologies
Operations Research and System Analysis
Software and Administration of Information Systems
Software Engineering
Natural Sciences
Ecology. Biodiversity and Nature Protection
Economic Geography and Digital Spatial Analytics
Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies
Geoecology: Monitoring, Environmental Management and Environmental Safety
Geographical Information Mapping
Geological Support for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Development
Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
Hydrological Hazards: from Monitoring to Decision Making
Molecular Biology and Agrobiotechnology of Plants
Physical Oceanography and Bioproductivity of Ocean and Seas (PHOBOS)
Search, Exploration and Development of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources
Soil Science
Structure, Dynamics and Protection of Landscapes
Structural Mineralogy and Materials Science
Economics and Management
Accounting, Analysis, Audit
Actuarial Modelling of Financial Operations
Applied Macroeconomics, Economic Policy and State Regulation
Company Economics and Economics of Innovative Activities
Financial Markets and Banks
Institutional Analysis of Modern Markets
Management of Real Estate Objects and Development of Territories
Master in Urban Management and Development – MUMD
Mathematical Methods in Economics
Organizations Development Management
Organisation of Government Relations
Risk Management and Insurance
Russian and CIS Business in Global Economy
Tourist Destination Management
Social Sciences
Advertising and Public Relations
American Studies
Applied Political Science and Ethnopolitical Processes in Contemporary World
Baltic and Nordic Studies
BRICS Studies
Business Law
Civil Law, Family Law
Civil Procedure, Arbitration Procedure
Cognitive Studies
Conflict Management
Criminal Law
Developmental Psychology
Digital Public Administration
Diplomacy of the Russian Federation and Foreign States
Educational Psychology
European Studies
General and Cognitive Psychology
History of International Relations: 20th and 21st Centuries
Human Resource Management
International Humanitarian Cooperation
International Journalism
International Private Law
International Public Law
International Relations in the Post-Soviet Space
International Trade and Customs Lawyer
Legal Protection of Economic Competition
Legal Protection of the Subjective Public Rights
Legal Regulation of Natural Resource Use
Lawyer in the Field of Corporate Labour and Social Relations Management
Lawyer in the Field of Criminal Proceedings
Lawyer in the Field of Financial Market (Financial Lawyer)
Lawyer in the Field of Rulemaking
Media Communications
Medical and Pharmaceutical Law
Mental Health
Organisational Psychology and Psychology of Management
Pacific Studies
Personality Psychology
Political Analysis
Political Elites and Leadership
Political Global Studies
Politics and Modern Information Technology
Professional Speech Activity in Mass Media
Public Relations as Part of International Relations
Real-estate Lawyer
Russian Region Studies
Social Psychology and Political Psychology
Social Work
Sociology in Russia and China
Sports Lawyer
Tax Law
World Politics
Cognitive Studies
Complex Systems in Nature and Society
Art Criticism
Art Studies (History of Arts)
Historical Performance on Keyboard Musical Instruments
Curatorial Research
Intercultural Education
Music Criticism
Byzantine and Neo-Hellenic Philology
Classical Philology and Ancient Greek and Roman Tradition in the World Culture
Computer and Applied Linguistics
Cultural Linguistics of Great Britain and the USA
English Discourse and Variability
Ethnological Assessment
Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication in Business and Management
Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication in Tourism and Excursion Activities
Foreign Languages in Bilingual Cultural Space (French and English)
Foreign Languages in International Relations Sphere
Foreign Literatures and Cultures
General and Applied Phonetics
Germany and Eastern Europe in the Context of Cross-language and Cross-cultural Interaction
History and Culture of St Petersburg and Leningrad Region
History and Theory of Nations and Issues of Nationalism
Jewish Philosophy
Legal Linguistics
Legal Translation
Linguistic Aspects of Scandinavian and Dutch Studies
Linguistics of the English-language Sociopolitical Discourse
Linguistic Fundamentals of Editing and Criticism
Literary Translation
Media Discourse in International Communications: Linguistic, Cultural and Professional Competences
Philosophical dialogue between Russia and France
Philosophical discourse of modernity: Germany and France
Philosophy of Art
Practical Philosophy
Religious Studies
Romance Languages
Russia and France in historical and cultural context
Russian Language and Russian Culture in the Aspect of Teaching Russian as Foreign Language
Russian Literature
Simultaneous Translation
Slavonic Languages and Literatures
Teaching Foreign Languages for Academic and Specific Purposes in Higher Education
The Literature of Russia and France: An Alternate Glance
Language Testing
The Origin of the Modern Western Civilisation
Theory and History of Language and European Languages
Theory of Teaching Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Theory, History and Methodology of Translation
Translator in the Field of Sciences
Translation Theory and Cross-Linguistic Communication
Art and Culture
Asian and African Economies and International Economic Relations (with Asian/African language tuition)
Islamic Studies
Contemporary China: Economics, Politics, Society
Asian and African Cultures (with Asian/African language tuition)
Asian and African History (with Asian/African language tuition)
Asian and African Languages
Asian and African Literatures(with Asian/African language tuition)
Asian and African Religions (with Asian/African language tuition)
Сulture and art of Modern Europe: Russia, Italy, Hungary
Culture of the Caucasian peoples
Environmental Design
Graphic Design
Media Culture
Oriental Artistic Culture
Politics and International Relations in Asia and Africa (with Asian/African language tuition)
Restoration of Fine and Applied Art Objects
Supervisory Control at Museums
Visual Technology in Museums
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0212 556 8188